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No worries, cobber! Modularbuild Australia – a family-run outfit, can ship across the whole of Australia. We’ve chucked in waterproofing tricks that set us apart from the rest. Our usual deal includes slappin’ on a whole one-piece fiberglass sheet on the side roofs, whackin’ a 3mm steel sheet on the main pod, craftin’ Z flashings for the bottom of the outer walls, throwin’ in some aluminium window frames, Z flashings for the roof step – and to top it off, our prices are fair dinkum competitive. Cheers!

Mate, the Modular Build expandable range falls under the Aussie Caravan Standards, seeing as they’re tagged as caravans. Every electrical gadget in there is certified by SAA or holds a Global Mark certificate. And you can bet your boots that all the plumbing fixtures are packing watermark certificates. Fair dinkum quality, right there!

Gotcha, mate! You reckon there’s a variety of sizes and setups to pick from? Well, we’ve got a ripper 20ft expandable with 2 beds good to go. You can tinker with configurations, ranging from 2 to 4 bedrooms, available in both 20ft and 40ft sizes. If you’re keen on a custom design, the usual waiting time is around 2 months. Once you’re stoked with the plan, we’d be chuffed to snag a 10% deposit to kick off the construction, another 30% a month before delivery, and the rest on the day it rocks up or rolls in. Easy as, right?

Absolutely, cobber! We’ve got the delivery game sorted nationwide using our network of outlets and national freight carriers. Our mates behind the wheel cruise in on “extension trailer” trucks with crane access and hydraulic lifting gear – real top-notch stuff. With experience supplying the mining and industry sectors through our parent company, we’ve got the knack for dropping off the goods just where you need ’em. As long as the truck fits and the site’s good without any ‘bogging’ risks, we can usually unload right on the spot, saving you the hassle and extra costs for forklifts or cranes. Easy-breezy, mate!

Yeah, mate, there’s a chance of condensation cropping up in these units from Modular build. Since they’re snug little spaces, made of steel, and well-insulated, you might get some condensation action, especially in certain climates. No worries though – if your cabin starts sweating, you can sort it out by whacking in a vent, tossing in some damp-aid, or rolling with a trusty dehumidifier.  Easy as, right?

Since our modular build homes/Caravans are registered as caravans, you’ve got the green light to set ’em up in fire zones and flood zones. We reckon it’s a good idea for you to do a bit of your own research to make sure an SDGF Cabin/Caravan is the top-notch choice for your neck of the woods. It’s also smart to be confident in packing up your cabin pronto if the need arises. Safety first, cobber!’

Righto, mate! Here’s the lowdown: NSW is the only one with a one-size-fits-all rule for caravans. Down in VIC, they’ve got some DPU legislation making it a breeze if the occupant relies on the homeowner. NT? They’re pretty laid-back about caravan occupancy. Now, in QLD, NT, and SA, you can have a yarn about getting an exemption to meet the local laws. Chuck a chat with your nearby SDGF store or give your local council a bell for the full scoop. Most councils are alright with caravans, just grab yourself a permit. And for a deep dive, check out our council page for the full rundown. Easy as, right?

Just so you’re in the loop, mate, our price tag doesn’t cover the setup or installation of our relocatable homes. But no worries – we’ll toss in a full-color instruction manual to guide you through the process. If you’re keen to get an idea, we reckon the installation fees for us to do would hover around $3000, give or take. Just a ballpark figure to keep things on the straight and narrow. Cheers!

No dramas, mate! If your spot’s got a level slab, piece of cake – we’ll plonk it down on some elevated concrete blocks. Fancy steel stumps? That’ll run you an extra $800. Need us to dig the foundations and throw in the steel stumps? You’re looking at an additional $1600. Want a ripper veranda with a roof? Budget around $7000 for that beauty. If you’re after a septic system, that’ll set you back $7000. But here’s the go – tell us your wish list, spill the site access and GPS details, and we’ll suss out the specifics for a spot-on estimate. Easy as, right?

No worries, mate! Power’s sorted with a 15-amp extension lead, and water’s as easy as hooking up a garden hose – just like your typical caravan setup. Keeping it simple and hassle-free!
When it comes to the installation and setup, it varies depending on the model you snag. Here’s the rundown:
Get a plumber onboard to hook up to sewer mains, septic, or a grey water tank.
If you’re after some cool air, consider an A/C installation.
For hot water, we’ve got you covered with the supply and installation of a Hot Water System (HWS). If it’s a gas system, make sure to get the gas certified by a licensed plumber or gas fitter.
And of course, for whipping up your culinary delights, sort out the installation of your cooking appliances.
Covering all the bases for a top-notch setup, mate!

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Modular homes, made with love, precision and creativity.

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